Exercises for Strengthening the Lips: (Repeat each exercise 10 times)

Exercise 1
: Roll the lips inward toward teeth -hold firmly to a count of five. Release.
Exercise 2: Alternate smiling widely (with lips held tightly against the teeth} , and rounding the lips as if for whistling.
Exercise 3: With lips held tightly against the teeth, say puh, puh, puh, puh.
Exercise 4: String a large flat button with a 24 inch piece of dental floss. Tie ends of floss together.
  • Place button flat against teeth and close
  • lips around button.
  • Pull the string on the button and at the same time hold the button firmly in place with the lips. Pull a little harder each time you do this exercise.

Exercises for the Improvement of Tongue Strength, Flexibility, and Positioning:

Exercise 1
: Identify the T target. Touch the target spot with tongue tip ten times.
Exercise 2: Holding teeth tightly together and with
tongue tip touching the T target -flatten the rest of the tongue against the roof
of the mouth and make 5 sucking movements. (repeat 10 times}

Exercise 3: With mouth open slightly (as if to say ah} , place tongue tip on T target. Push tongue against target as firmly as possible. (repeat 10 times}
Exercise 4: Sweep tongue from T target toward the back of the mouth. (repeat 10 times}
Exercise 5: Place a clean pencil, the edge of a tongue depressor, or a surgical stick, on the center of the tongue. Try to curl the edges of the tongue around the stick. Remove the stick and try to curl the edges of the tongue. (repeat 10 times}
Exercise 6: With lips apart, and teeth firmly held together, put the tongue tip on the T target and swallow.
Exercise 7: Take a very small sip of water, place teeth firmly together and swallow. (repeat 10 times)
Exercise 8: Using a very small sip of water, practice gargling. (repeat 5 times)
Exercise 9: Place button on top on tongue. Press
button to roof of mouth -at the same time pulling on the string.


Bonds, T.K. (n.d.). The Problem of Tongue Thrust. Retrieved from http://www.muleshoedental.com/AVQ/tongue%20thrust%20t.htm